DoorDash Car Accident Lawyer

DoorDash Car Accident Lawyer

The moment’s right after a car accident can be riddled with emotion and confusion. You are often severely mentally distraught if not severely hurt. However, the minute you are in an accident there are a few things that you must do at the scene of the accident. It is better that you write these down and store them as a note in your wallet, purse or even in your glove box.

Steps To Take Right After You Have Been In A Car Accident

  • Stay At The Scene

You should never leave the scene unless it is appropriate to do so. If there have been injuries, or if someone has been killed, then you could be facing some serious criminal penalties in the form of hit-and-run charges slapped on you. Stay put, especially if you are not injured and there is no sudden danger to you.

  • Check On The Drivers And The Passengers

Before you even begin to assess damage to your property, make sure that everyone who has been involved in the accident is okay. Call 911 to get medical attention to anyone who needs it. If they are unconscious or have had a neck or spinal injury, don’t move them unless and until a qualified medical paramedic arrives. You should only move them if there is a hazard and that person needs to be moved from the site of immediate danger.

  • Call The Police

Call the police and other authorities if there is significant damage, injury or death. Ask for a police report and take the details of the responding officer’s names and their badge number.

  • Exchange Information

Try to collect the names, addresses, phone numbers, license plate numbers and the basic insurance information of the others in the accident. Make sure to do this in a calm, cooperative and cordial fashion. Remember to never admit guilt- “I should have stopped, I ran the red light” – this means that you are admitting legal liability. If you are planning to lawyer up with a DoorDash car accident lawyer, then do a favor and talk less.

  • Get Treatment

Get the required treatment, even if the injuries seem mild at first. Keep documentation of the bills and the prescription offered to you. Get a copy of all of the medical report as well, so as to prove your medical expenses at a later date.

Last but not least,

  • Consider Hiring An Attorney

Get yourself an attorney for DoorDash accident. Consult an experienced attorney who can help you maximise your recovery if you are injured and better defend you if the opposing party is at fault.